enterade Blog

5 Tips to Managing Diarrhea during the Holiday Season
With the holidays quickly approaching, it might be challenging to spend time with family and friends if you are suffering from diarrhea, as a side effect of your cancer treatment....

The Benefits of Humor While Battling Cancer
Maintaining a good sense of humor can be incredibly healing while undergoing cancer treatment. Laughter allows the good chemicals to release in our brains and helps us cope with the...

Give the Gift of Comfort this Holiday Season: Gift ideas for loved ones going through cancer.
The holiday season is a time for love, togetherness, and cherished moments with friends and family. However, for individuals undergoing cancer treatment, the side effects can make this time challenging...

Navigating Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs)
Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) are a rare form of cancer that originates from specialized Neuroendocrine cells. Each year, over 12,000 individuals receive a NET diagnosis. While NETs are often slow-growing and...

Tips from Breast Cancer Survivors: A Source of Strength and Wisdom
A breast cancer diagnosis can be a life-altering moment, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions, questions, and uncertainties. However, the journey through breast cancer treatment and recovery is not...

Tips for coping with chemotherapy-induced nausea.
One of the most unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy is unrelenting nausea. Depending on severity and how often the waves of nausea occur, this can be a life-altering impact of treatment.

5 Tips to Help Re-energize Your Body from Cancer Fatigue
Feeling fatigue or weakness is a common side effect of cancer treatment. In this blog, we have gathered five tips to help you feel more energized throughout treatment.

Did you know you may be eligible for enterade reimbursement?
enterade may be eligible for reimbursement when prescribed by a healthcare provider for a medical need such as cancer treatment GI side effects. It can be complicated to find out...

Thoughtful Gifts for Women Fighting Cancer
Being a loved one to someone who has cancer can be difficult, especially since you know you can’t take away their pain. Gifts can be a meaningful way to express...